A Christian apologist's attempt at teaching theology to youth has incited some fierce backlash. The original image, a sermon in the form of a Fidget Spinner, attempted to portray the truth of the Holy Trinity as the following:
The exercise was not met with positive feedback.
Here are 5 reasons fidget spinners are an abomination to our Lord. Have we discovered the reason millennials are leaving the church? Here are 6 photos of proof that Operation Fidget Spinner is intentionally luring our youth into sin.
1. Fidget spinners promote idleness.
2. Fidget spinners are false gods.
3. Fidget spinners are not biblically sound.
4. Fidget spinners contain Illuminati symbolism.
5. Fidget spinners are part of a Satanic strategy to lure our youth away from the Lord.
6. Fidget spinners contain anti-Christian imagery.
Please like and share to warn others about the danger of this new trend!