Our country is in a confusing time to say the least. It is even more difficult for us Christians. There is so much evil and hatred in the world and it shows through the candidates running for our country. That is terrifying. The decisions that we make are not only going to effect our lives, but they will effect our children and our grandchildren. Whoever we elect will drastically change the country. So who do we vote for?....God.
Well...God isn't running for office. You're right, you can't check the box next to his name. Want to know why? Because he is already in office. He is there waiting for whoever our country elects. As Christians we have to have faith in Him, His timing, and His plan. 1 Corinthians 13:12 states, "Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely."
We may not understand what is going on in our world, and we may disagree fully with whoever gets elected, but it is part of God's plan. We do not see everything that He sees. Even if God drew out His plan for our country, we would not comprehend it. We were not designed to lead Him. We are designed to follow His path whatever that is. We are called to pray for our leaders because they have been appointed by God.
Larry Osborne, author of Thriving in Babylon, puts it like this as he illustrates Daniel's time in Babylon, "But his trust in God's ultimate goodness and power was stronger and deeper than his sorrow or confusion. He might not have understood everything that was happening. But he responded as one who knew that God was in control of who was in control, even when God's choices proved to be puzzling and disturbing" (pg. 51).
God is in control no matter who runs our country. Have faith in Him and hope that He will shine through this experience. No matter who is elected, God is the true ruler of our country.