The sun was setting as I looked out the window begging God to send an angel to help us.
Two years ago, 2 friends and I found ourselves in a helpless position. I was thirteen hours away from home and eight hours away from my dad. Stranded in Denver, Colorado with no game plan.
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It's the summer of 2014 and my sister and I had just graduated. For a graduation present, we received a prepaid trip to Denver, Colorado for a week. Needless to say, we were excited.
A few weeks later, we set off on a 13-hour road trip filled with car karaoke and several bathroom stops. We arrived just before dawn and started to unload our luggage. The only thing keeping this sleepy Texan from her bed was the front desk.
Time to check in.
She kindly asked for my ID and credit card. A few minutes pass before she asked my age, "Ma'am are you 21?" I reply, "No ma'am, not for another year!"
She turns to her co-worker before rudely turning back to me, "I'm sorry but we cannot allow you to get a room unless you are assisted with an adult!"
Excuse me???? This trip was prepaid for and all of us were under the age of 21 and 13 hours away from home.
WHAT DO WE DO?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a call to corporate and many disagreements, we found ourselves in a sticky situation in an unfimialiar state.
I did what I only knew what to do at this point, ask God to send an angel.
"God, I don't know what to do but I trust you. We are far from home without a place to stay, no gas and little money. I pray that you just send an angel to help us into our room tonight, in Jesus name. Amen!"
Within seconds, I get a phone call from a family friend.
"Hey Geena, I noticed on Facebook you were having trouble getting into your room. I just wanted to say that I am also in Colorado and my brother owns a Hotel just down the road. He has a free room for you to stay in tonight until we can get you into your original room!" - The Angel.
So, I just wanted to encourage you. As this trip started off rocky, God is always there. In a moment where I felt hopeless, scared and insecure, he showed up and quickly took those fears away.
If you are in a situation in life where you feel like you're in the valley of the mountains and there is no way you can get to the top, cry out to God. He is always faithful and he will always show you the way!
"I lift my eyes up to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."