Dear Lord,
Please help me calm down. Help me to breathe. You never fail to help me in every single tiny way and I always underestimate your power.
God, I’m tired, so, so tired. I need your strength both physically and mentally.
It’s like I’m constantly on the move. Constantly trying to work, better myself. I never stop and it seems like no one understands or appreciates my efforts, but I know you do.
Even though I’m worn out and on the last strand of my rope, God help me to be like you.
Help me to see with your eyes. Eyes of understanding, love, and patience. Even when I feel like punching everybody in the face God, please calm me down and let me understand that not everybody is just like me. I don’t want to go to jail today.
Help me to have a heart like yours. A heart that loves unconditionally, is slow to anger and is full of grace. Even when someone hurts me or when someone doesn’t love me the way I love them, help me to just keep on loving, God. Please don’t let me harden my heart and become bitter. I know you wouldn’t.
Let me always forgive even if I don’t think people deserve it. I don’t know everything.
Help me to have feet that run to help people. Guide me to be a person that gives generously and doesn’t hold anything back. No matter who they are or what they are, God let me give all I can to anyone I can help. You love and help the least of the world just the same as anyone else.
Help me to have a mouth that’s full of your words. I mess up all the time. I literally am the worst thing in the whole world sometimes. I let myself get in the way too much. Let me speak words that uplift and brighten people’s day, not bring shadows of negativity and pull them down.
Help me to have a mind that doesn’t always fear. You tell me so many times, “Do not be afraid,” yet I don’t listen. I know you have my life in your hands and will never let me fall to a place to where I can’t get up.
Even when I get frustrated with myself and other people, God, let me always give my problems to you. Please don’t let me be arrogant and think I can do everything all by myself. Because I can’t. I’m human and far from perfect. God you’re the only one who can be perfect, but I can try.
Help me to be more like you.