Patience has always been something that I have struggled with. I have never been the best with waiting for the things that I want to come to pass. I always felt the need to jump the gun.
I've had many desires over the years and often it has felt like they were so close yet so far. When they didn't come true right away, I settled or pushed them away completely. I never truly understood the importance of waiting not until I recently found my faith again.
Last year, all I wanted was to be in a relationship. I ignored all the possible signs that God was throwing at me and I entered into a toxic relationship with the first guy that came along. In the process, not only did I lose who I was but I almost lost my family and my friends. I was at my worst and It took me only until recently to find myself again.
Finding my faith is what brought me back. One night when I was at my complete worst, I was still mourning my relationship and accepting that my friends had also left me I had a dream. Yes, I know that it sounds cliché but I had a dream & it was through that dream God decided to save me. In my dream, someone very close to me asked me straight up "what am I doing with my faith" "Why am I living like this". I never replied because I didn't know what to say. I was completely taken aback.
The very next morning I woke up with a fire in my heart for the word & I sat in my room watching my very first devotional. From that day forward I have never looked back on my faith, I found love, acceptance, validation & happiness in His word and not in earthy things.
It was then that I also began to realize that God's timing is perfect & that everything truly happens for the right reasons.
Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future"
This verse stuck out to me and got me through some of my darkest days. It made me believe that God has no plans to hurt me or to make me fail.
His only intention is to give me the best possible life ever. Now I am sure that If God tells me to wait for something it is only because he sees ahead.
Stepping ahead of God is what let me enter toxic relationships & friendships. But now that I have taken a step back I am learning to not let my feelings guide my faith but rather to let my faith guide my feelings.
So whatever it is that you are waiting for I pray that God brings it to fruition when His time is right. I pray that you will learn to trust in God because he will NEVER let you down and more importantly He will never forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:8 says " And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed"
Be Bold. Be Faithful. Trust in God's timing.