Talents. When you think of them you usually think a beautiful singing voice, an athletic ability, or playing an instrument seamlessly, etc. Many times, if we are not blessed with the God-given ability to play a sport or sing on key, then we believe that God skipped out on us and left us with no talent at all. However, that is certainly not true. God blesses each and every one of us with a talent. However, it may not be what our perception of what a talent is. The talent that He has blessed you with may be that you are a good leader or encourager; it may be that you are a good listener or teacher; it may be that you have been given a servants heart or a creative mind. Whatever the gift may be, He blesses you with it in order to serve Him.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace”- 1 Peter 4:10
God blesses us with a special gift in order to serve Him and to serve each other as well. It is so important as Christians to use our gift in order to show our heart for God. One of my gifts is to share God’s love to others through writing, but I had no idea that this was one of my talents until God opened my heart to it several months ago. I was anxious to pursue writing Godly articles due to insecurities and doubt, but I knew that it was God’s plan for me. God will show you over and over again what your talents truly are. Do not doubt yourself because of failure or perfectionism that the enemy wants you to believe. The enemy wants you to believe that you are not good enough because he does not want you to use your talents to serve God.
Your talent should radiate God’s light and show others how great our God truly is. Not only can your talent change others’ lives, but it changes yours as well. Because God has hand-picked your talent especially for you, that gift becomes your passion. It can become your hobby or even your profession. It is something so special and important to you because it has God’s hand placed on it. By using your talent to serve God, your talent is that much more special in your life. Not only will you be influenced by serving God with your talent but others will be too.