Growing up with a Christian upbringing, I was taught that lessons were blessings in disguise. You might not know that they are while you are going through them, but they are meant to be taken very seriously because learning is the key essential part of growing up the Christian way. All my life, I have learned a lot of things; some were for my better good and some were to help me realize that everything that seems good for you is the complete opposite. Although I haven’t learned everything that is needed to succeed in life, I have learned enough to be in the positive place that I am now. My positivity comes from FLOPPing and they are the five things that I know are impossible for me to do and that I will have to endure to become the person God put me on this planet to be.
As long as I am human, I will fail and so will you. Nothing will come easy, but everything that comes will not have your name on it. The losses that you will endure will be hard for you to get over because, in your eyes, they should've been victories, but remember what for you is for you and the key is for you not become bitter and negative; it is for you to keep faith and know that God may not come when you want him, but he’s always on time.
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Life will not be put on pause for me, you, or anybody else for that matter. Everything and everybody that has breath will go through the game of life. It is set in and stone and is dubbed inevitable. God knows what your life will be like from the day you began life to the day your life will end. The only thing you’re allowed to do is live the life gave you the way he wants you to live it. Although that may be hard for you to accomplish and everything won’t go right, it is important to remember you only get one life to live and God allows forgiveness for all of the mistakes made in that life. As long as your faith is strong and your heart pure, mercy will follow all of the days of your life.
Life isn’t fair; it never has and it never will be. However, the life you live can only be lived by you and it is important to realize that although life is never right, there is someone in this world that wished they had the type of lifestyle that you have. Don’t shorten your lifespan because of your unappreciative actions and selfish behavior. One man’s bad life is another man’s great paradise.
I have learned that I am not perfect in any shape, form, or fashion. It is impossible for anyone that God created to achieve perfection. It might be hard for that to sink in, but it is everyone’s reality that perfection will never come. We can strive for it all day, but we will forever be disappointed. The only thing that everybody should strive to be at the end of the day is yourself. The only person that can do that is you and it is impossible for anybody to try to achieve.
I can’t plan life. I don’t know how my cards will be dealt and I can’t plan according to how I think things will go. It is not possible and it never will be. As life will go on, the plans you make are not always going to be in full effect and some of your plans are not going to go into any effect. However, it is not for you to get an upset attitude by that; it is for you to compromise your defective plans into something that can work. There’s nothing wrong with a back-up plan to your original plan. God is looking to see how you communicate when things are not at their best. Remember, every test needs a testimony.
The lessons you learn in life are not always meant to have a positive meaning; they’re to help you better appreciate the positive meanings more by experiencing the negative ones. In life, it’s alright to FLOPP every once in a while because how will you learn if you never experience the bad to appreciate the good. You can’t have one without the other so be mindful of your choices in this life because tomorrow is never promised and when it is all said and done and the dust finally clears, you will stand tall and victorious saying, “God, I Get It!”