I've struggled trying to write this for months and honestly, this may just become an article of rambling. Often I hide my faith from others due to the fear of judgement. As much as I want to say I'm scared to be judged by non-believers, truthfully I'm scared to be judged by believers. We as Christians have the opportunity to show others our faith in our gracious God, but often come across as judgemental and hateful. So today I'm sharing my faith, by telling you the believer or non-believer that it's not our job as Christians and followers to exude judgemental and hateful things.
To the Believers
We may be the only Bible someone reads one day. They may never meet Jesus or hear how good God actually is. So often when we get caught up in telling people what they can't do, we forget to tell them who God is and what he has done for them. We tell them everything they are doing is wrong and they won't make it to heaven. I have never found the word Hate used by God towards his people in the Bible. However, Love is found continuously through-out the book. As followers we should continuously show love, grace, and forgiveness to everyone in our path. Even on the days we are hurting or it feels like they may not deserve it. We have to show who God is and allow each other to heal through him. Remember a church isn't a showcase for the worthy and good, but it's a hospital for the sick and broken.
As you move through-out your day, week, month, and new year remember to show love, grace, and forgiveness. Remember that as Jesus died for us ALL he said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do". When he said it is done, he meant it. We know this good news, and we aren't sharing it. Instead we tell someone who's gay they are going to hell or someone who cusses that they are unworthy. We refuse to show the grace given to us, to them.
My last reminder is that sin doesn't have a rank. So just because you told a white lie doesn't mean it's better than someone who committed adultery. This was the hardest lesson I've learned. As a human being, we rank sin because to us some sins must be worse than others. However, if you look at sin like a cityscape. We would be on the ground, looking at each sin like they are buildings. Some much taller and shorter than others. However, God is in heaven above the city. When you look at a city from above, all you see is buildings and not they height. So while we see ranks of sin, God just sees sin. We think that if our sin isn't as bad as others, that we are better or easier to forgive. But sin is sin, and God forgives every sinner that asks for it.
To the Non-Believers
No matter where you are on your journey, whether you knew God or have never known him I want you to know he loves you. Now, I know this world we live in and I want to say I'm sorry for any hatred you have felt from someone who didn't understand God's love, but said they did. He is a good father, who loves continuously and uncontrollably. You are worthy and wanted everyday. If you don't believe that, well join the party. Many of us in life, believers or not, don't feel worthy of love or wanted. I challenge you this year, to not only give God a chance but to ask about him. It's okay not to accept him right away or for a long time. He leaves the 99 for 1. Which means, yes you are worth his time and he's willing to wait.
I want you to know that there is so much good compared to bad and no one is perfect. I love Jesus and I still struggle to tell people about it. I have this great news that I am often too scared to share. God gives grace even when it's undeserved. He loves you, when you feel unlovable. And he forgives you, even if you don't ask. That all may not be enough to entice you and I understand, but know it's just the surface of his love. When you want to just learn more, because knowledge is power in this growing world, I am happy to discuss it.
God is loving and kind. He knows every hair on your head, every bad and good thing that has happened, is happening, and will happen. He is the past, present, and future. I don't talk about my faith because I'm scared of judgement, or people fighting because they can't talk rationally with each other. I hide good news because some days I don't even believe it. Just know, that's all okay and God will love you through it. If you don't believe so, I hope one day you at least give this Christian thing a chance.
It can be scary and joyful all in one go, but mostly it is humbling and a blessing. I'm not perfect. I'm anxious, depressed, angry, tired, broken, and more. I cuss too much and I'm not a perfect picture of what God wants. I have been through horrible trials that made me contemplate and attempt to take my own life. They made consider giving up altogether on God, and on some days I did. I fade out people's lives because it's easier than losing them, and I hold too tight when they leave. I am no perfect picture, but God gave me grace and told me that's okay.