Let's face it, you love them and you hate them. You can't live with them and you can't live without them, they are the ones who have stuck by your side through thick and thin. They don't just know about the good and the bad times but they have experienced it all with you. They are your little siblings and honestly, they will always be your best friend and the greatest blessing you will receive and here is just a little bit why...
1. Your own little cheerleader
Ashley Denton
For someone to always be that little voice in the back of your head cheering you on telling you that you can do anything, and to always be there with a big hug to congratulate you at the finish line or even when you finally cross that stage.
2. Designated road trip budd(y)(ies)
Ashley Denton
Someone to always take control of the aux, someone to keep the trip interesting and someone who ACTUALLY HAS A SENSE OF DIRECTION! These three traits make a great pair... trust me
3. There is NEVER an excuse to go shopping ALONE
Ashley Denton
Lets face it... weather they like it or not.... you will always have a shopping partners, question is, who are you taking?
Why take one when you could bring BOTH!
4. So you never have to do stupid stuff ALONE
Ashley Denton
If you have to do something stupid and or embarrassing so do they!
5. For someone who understands that self-care is the best type of care.

Ashley Denton
When life gets so crazy that all of your time, focus and attention is on something or somethings else that you forget to take time to care for yourself. Having someone else who will and can pull you back in and remind you that you can't help others if you don't help yourself first, is honestly one of the biggest blessings.
6. A built in best friend for life

Ashley Denton
Since Day 1, they have been your A1. They have always and will always be the realest friends that you can make. They've got your back through thick and thin.