Do not let my words confuse you. I do not mean God purposely hurt you. I mean when was the last time you felt your heart break for someone else or something else and did you stop to think that maybe God placed you in that exact day, location, and time so that your heart could break. Rather than looking away and trying to forget it, maybe He wants you to turn the burden you feel placed on your heart into a passion you devote your time to changing.
I believe there is a reason for everything. That reason is God. I was driving home from dinner one night over the holidays when my family and I ran into a lot of traffic. Each and everyone of us groaned and complained that we had to go only fifteen minutes out of our way to take a different route. While on our detour we passed under a bridge and to our right had to of been over thirty tents, tents full of homeless veterans that served our country. My heart broke. I chose to look away and I fought to forget the sadness placed upon my heart but I have not been able to shake what I felt that night. Now I realize that what I felt was not a burden but God moving me to feel something for someone other than myself.
Maybe you are moved by a crisis in another country and wish you could go there to help but feel it is too far to get up and move your life. But consider this, you would get up and move for your job, why wouldn’t you for Jesus?
Maybe your heart was broken and you want to make it your profession to help that cause but there is not enough money in it to devote your life’s work to it. Consider this, making two times less the money in something you’re passionate about is still better than making two times more in something you do not feel you are called to do. To be enriched with God will always be more rewarding than riches.
Maybe your heart was broken by something and you are trying to ignore it but do not ignore the spirit trying to move you to your passion.
Ask yourself, “what has God placed on my heart and how can I make a difference?”
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5&6