Dear Race Day Volunteers,
Thank you for standing at the sidelines while I huff and puff past you in the pouring rain or scorching heat.
I know it is hard for me to be running in the awful conditions, but I cannot imagine how you must feel standing stationary - acting as a lifeline for runners whizzing by you.
A life line? Volunteers cheering on the side of the road handing out Gatorade and shouting the name dictated on my bib are what keep me sane: they keep me moving and remind me that I am not racing alone.
Thank you for shoving Energy GU in my direction as I start to get delirious veering toward the latter of the race, thank you for holding up signs encouraging me to run faster, and thank you for yelling at me to keep going as my steps start to falter.
Race day volunteers are the people that bring life to the races. Runners lose their shine as the races go on, but the volunteers never lose their spirit. So thank you, for being so kind as a toss my water cup in your direction and grunt as I run by, you are truly a blessing for us racers out there and we could not do it without you.