On Sunday morning, I woke up late after a long fun night at an outdoor concert. I rolled over and saw that my phone had multiple notifications, curiously I reached from my phone and read a sentence that took my breath away.
“20 dead at Orlando, FL nightclub.”
20 lives taken too soon, and I rolled over to wake up my friend who was at the concert the night before and told her the terrible news.
We woke up and turned on the news immediately, sitting in silence we heard the words that terrorism was likely the cause of the mass shooting. We sat there silently, and I prayed to myself for God to heal the injured.
The morning went on, and on every TV in town the news played. We were at breakfast as we received the next update.
“50 dead, 53 injured at Orlando, FL nightclub.”
As I read the words that every American dreads; fear, confusion, and sadness swept over me.
Our nation needs to stand tall, remain strong, and pray together that these horrific events will stop occurring around the world.
Pray for Orlando, for the families of the victims, the injured, for friends, and for safety in our home. God will heal, he will heal our nation, we just must have faith.
Stand tall America, believe that our leaders, government, President, and armed forces can heal the wounds of our nation.
God bless America, and God bless Orlando. Heal the injured and heal the world.