What's your boogeyman?
Is it that medical test you're waiting to hear back about, or the layoff that seems right around the corner, or the deployment a loved one is about to embark on, or the upcoming presidential election, or the family issue that seems impossible to resolve?
What are you most afraid of?
While I was sitting at my desk this week contemplating some of my own deepest fears, a song from my childhood popped into my head out of nowhere.
" God is bigger than the boogeyman
He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogeyman
He's watching out for you and me..."
Sometimes we forget how big God really is. Sometimes we underestimate his immense power and overwhelming might. We don't allow ourselves to believe that He is there beside us, holding our hand and helping us carry our burdens. We get so caught up in worrying about what we can't control that we forget that He is already in control. He always has been, and He always will be.
Boogeymen are all around us, even some literal ones at this time of year. This simple, silly VeggieTales song is a reminder that no matter what kind of monster we're facing, God can defeat it. He might let us wrestle with it for a while to make us stronger, but eventually He will allow us to overcome it if we trust in Him.
Don't let the boogeyman in your life scare you. Don't fear monsters under the bed or ghosts in the closet or bad news or election results or the unknown. Just trust.
"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." Psalm 56:3
(song credit: Phil and Lisa Vischer, Kurt Heinecke)