I may be weird, but I think goats (especially the pygmy kind!) are BEYOND cute. Are they stinky? Sure. Eat everything? Yeah. Have a very simple digestive tract that mean things quite literally go in one end and out the other in a very short amount of time? Uh-huh. But I also know a few dogs that are like that- especially when they were puppies- and I can't quite bring myself to stop thinking about how cute they are.
I mean, besides the square irises. Those throw me off. But literally any video of a pygmy goat jumping around in a onesie will cure those heebee-jeebies, like so.
My parents even got me a desk toy - a plastic goat mounted on a log. Press his head (I call him Bryan) and he screams. And it makes my day every. Single. Time.
But then I started wondering. Why does Bryan, and literally every other goat I've ever seen, scream like a maniac for no apparent reason? Are they scared? Are they anxious? Are they mixing up noon and morning and trying to do a midnight scream like we used to do before exam week?
What I found was actually quite simple: the goats scream simply because they want to communicate with their young, communicate with their mothers, or (and my favorite reason) they may be expecting to get fed.
I mean, imagine if I did that. Strolled into the kitchen at home, got right up in my mother's face, and just started screaming bloody murder.
Actually, thinking back on it, there was an entire phase of life where I did sort of that thing. But I didn't know how to walk or talk yet, so in my defense how else was a newborn supposed to communicate that she was actually literally starving omg mom pleaaaaase feed me?
Anyway, goats are cute and scream for all sorts of reasons ranging from hunger to communication to no reason at all and I love them a lot because they remind me of me.
And now here are a few GIFs of screaming goats for you. Enjoy
It's literally just like *bleargh* excuse me I'm dying
I'm imagining this in a series of higher and higher pitched shrieks.
That one's not a screaming goat but it's so radical I had to put it in.