How to Make the Most of This Fall Season | The Odyssey Online
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9 Goals To Set This Fall That Will Make Your Season Sweeter Than A Pumpkin Spice Latte

Don't "Fall" out of place with your life this season by using these goals to keep you grounded.

9 Goals To Set This Fall That Will Make Your Season Sweeter Than A Pumpkin Spice Latte

The Fall season is a magical time of the year: the leaves are changing to beautiful colors, comfier sweaters are coming back into style, and it's the perfect time for apple-cider doughnuts and pumpkin picking. However, the changing of seasons also comes with many things that can stress people out, such as going back to school with endless amounts of work, and allergies coming back into play.

If you want to stay on top of things and make this season less stressful, here are a few goals that you can add to your planners or to do lists so Fall won't be as spooky:

1. Invest in a planner

Fall can be crazy, because it means getting back into the groove of things, whether it's school or a new job. Having a planner will help eliminate stress and will help you stay on top of things this season, as well as allow you to organize your thoughts and see everything you need to accomplish.

2. Become involved in something new that interests you

Go outside of your comfort zone and join clubs or organizations that speak to you and your passions. Not only is this a perfect opportunity to meet new people, but it helps you become more involved in your community, which is something essential.

3. Dedicate free time for yourself

Don't forget that we all need a break at some point, especially if we're working so hard now that summer vacation is over. Focusing on your mental health and treating yourself every once in awhile is imperative, because going on overdrive with a ton of things to do 24/7 will eventually break you down, which isn't healthy or something that you need.

4. Start a new show to binge-watch

Fall is the perfect time to cozy up into your bed and start a new show to binge-watch. All of the recurring shows on TV are back for a new season, so you can sit back and catch up on your own favorite, or you can select from the thousands available on Netflix or Hulu.

5. Turn over a new leaf with anything negative in your life

(Pun intended for this one.) Entering into a new season means leaving a bunch of things from last season behind, including negativity. Plus, Fall means beginning a new school year, so it's always good to start on a fresh page with a positive attitude. Eliminate or forget about anything or anyone negative in your life that was constantly bringing you down. Having this mindset will make you enter the Fall season on a happier note, and will make your life a lot less stressful.

6. Buy scented candles as a way to de-stress

If you're feeling stressed with everything going on in your life, you can still get into the seasonal spirit by investing in scented candles that are perfect for this time of the year. Go for something classic like apple spice, or something funky like vanilla pumpkin marshmallow scented.

7. Try different recipes

There is nothing better than a slice of pumpkin chocolate chip bread. Get creative and explore your tastebuds by trying recipes that are perfect for this colder season. Plus, this is such a perfect season for baking different delicious fall-staples, such as pumpkin or apple pie, apple cider doughnuts, apple crisp, monkey bread, and the list goes on.

8. Participate in a bunch of Fall-related activities

This is the only time of the year where you can go apple or pumpkin picking, walk through corn mazes, go on hayrides, or even have a Halloween movie marathon, so take advantage of it. Plus, these are perfect activities for the weekends in the Fall where you need to take a break and destress.

9. Take it easy, and have fun

Don't push yourself too hard, take everything one day at a time, and enjoy yourself and the beautiful season of Fall.

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