Summer has begun and if you are anything like me, you don't want to feel like you wasted your summer by sitting on the couch watching Food Network all day (yes, I can do this all day, for several days). To make sure this doesn't happen, I've made a list of what I want to do this summer.
My mom always tells me that if I want to accomplish my goals I need to tell people what my goals are. So here I am, telling the whole internet. Hopefully, you can hold me accountable.
1. Do something outside every day.
This could be as simple as reading a book outside or more planned, like going on a hike. The point here is to get off the couch and soak up some vitamin D.
2. Get rid of unnecessary stuff.
Too much stuff, not enough space? Same. It's time to get rid of the shirt I always say I'm going to wear, but never do. I'm tired of feeling cluttered and summer offers me the time to go through EVERYTHING and only keep what I need.
3. Read one book a month.
I have more than three books I want to read, but I'm hoping I can read at least one per month. The last choice book I read took me eight months to read, so I'm hoping I can read a bit faster to read all the books that have been sitting on my shelf.
4. Get a job and save money.
I want to work a lot so I'm not bored all day. And since I'll have some extra dough laying around, I want to start a retirement fund. I'm trying to live a classy life after I retire, so there's no better time to save than now!
5. Enjoy my friends' and family's company.
Living in a dorm acclimated me to being surrounded by my friends all the time. Now, at home, no one is ever home. To avoid loneliness, I hope to see a lot of my new college friends and old high school friends. I also want to spend quality time with my family since I'll be going back to school without them in only a few short months.
6. Cook new recipes.
Nine months eating at a dining hall has got me itching to cook my own food. I want to plan a week of dinners for my family and whip 'em up like the chef nine-year-old me wanted to be.
7. See more of Colorado.
I've lived in this state for almost my whole life and there is still so many places I haven't been. I feel like its my duty as a Coloradan to explore what my great state has to offer. This includes, but is not limited to, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Maroon Bells, St. Mary's Glacier, and Hanging Lake.
8. Exercise.
Working out regularly makes me feel like I have my life together. It also makes me feel happier and healthier. I want to exercise almost everyday to help keep some routine to my summer schedule.
9. Be creative more often.
Whether this be writing in my bullet journal, collaging, or making a new playlist, I want to let my creative juices flow more. If I'm bored, I want to spend less time scrolling and more time creating.
10. Love myself.
I've had a crazy year full of some big life changes. I want to take this summer to relax and appreciate myself for what I've accomplished in the past year.
Alright folks, those are my goals. So far, I'm off to a good start to completing them. If Phineas and Ferb can do everything they did, I can do these 10 things. I hope you have a great summer and accomplish your goals too!