Ah, the new year. The time of Flipagrams, #2016BestNine on Instagram, and Resolutions. But in my family, we do things a little differently.
We don't set resolutions. We set goals.
A resolution is a final decision, and it makes you feel ten times worse when you break them. Whether it be to lose weight, save money, or quit smoking/drinking, when you break the resolution you immediately just give up. Screw it, I messed up, I'm not going to try again.
A goal, however, is just an aim. For instance, my goals this year are to save money and just live a healthier lifestyle. If I mess up, that's alright. Goals help me accept that I am not a perfect person and that I'll mess up. But since it's not a resolution, a final decision, it's way easier to jump back into, at least for me.
So for 2017, I advise you to not set resolutions. Set goals. Short term, long term, medium term. Hard, easy, or somewhere in between. Just a few or a lot. Try your hardest to stick to them, but realize that you never have been and never will be a perfect person.