With the new semester beginning, something that I like to do is make a list of the goals I have for this semester. Some of my goals are the same from semester to semester, but after the end of every semester there's always something I think of for my list of goals. Here are my list of goals for this semester.
1. Get my assignments done earlier than the deadline.
I'm curious to see how long this goal lasts because I'm a huge procrastinator. I know I'll feel better once my assignments are down early, so I'm going to try to make this an ongoing goal.
2. Make time for friends.
It's important to focus on school and homework, but it's also important to get out and have some fun with your friends. I always make the effort to make time for my friends because that is my stress relief. Whether we're talking in my room or going out off campus to do something, I always enjoy spending time with my friends and taking a break from my studies for a bit.
3. Visit my professors during their office hours.
This is something I do every semester especially if I'm struggling in the class. Going to your professors' office hours can only improve your grade. You'll understand the information better and it will show the professor that you care.
4. Go to bed at reasonable hours.
This goal is easier said than done. I'm going to try to not stay up late watching Netflix. I also don't want to be up late doing homework and want to try to plan my time accordingly so I can get enough sleep.
5. Make time for myself.
It's important to take care of yourself even when you're stressed and feel like you're constantly busy. Last semester, I felt like I was constantly running around and always doing something. It's nice to feel busy, but it's just as nice to have time for yourself and taking a break from everything.
6. Calling home.
I called home a lot last semester. I was very stressed and talking to my family made me feel a lot better. Even if I had nothing to say, just hearing their voices made all the difference. Sometimes they had nothing to say either, which was fine. If they told me what they were having for dinner made me happy because I got to hear them speak.
7. Try my best.
Of course I want to get good grades, but I know that if I try my best, that's what counts. I'll feel good knowing that I made an effort and tried in a tough class (especially if my hard work pays off).
8. Be happy.
No matter what happens this semester, I want to be happy with the decisions I make and the outcomes of situations.