With every New Year comes New Year's resolutions! However, I hope to start these ideas and keep them going for more than just this year. I have such high hopes for what comes my way and how to tackle them all. There is never a need to feel disappointed or as if you have failed if you do not quite meet all of your goals or promises you made to yourself. You also do not need January 1st to completely start over or begin something new. Any day of the week and any month will be okay!!
1. Read my Bible every day
I can't lie, life gets busy and hard and I tend to forget I have an amazing Father and Best Friend who always has my back. He is there any second of any day to guide me through difficult moments. I hope to really build an amazing relationship with Him and find an amazing church in my area. Being with a community of people who are there to build you up and encourage you in your relationship with God is one of the best ways to stay on the correct path with Him.
2. Lean on God's will for my life
This will come hand-in-hand with reading my Bible every day and spending so much more time with Him. I always look forward to what God has planned for me whether it is tomorrow or five years from now!
3. Keep a good workout routine
I have the kind of personality where I need lots of structure in my life and a workout routine will be perfect for that! With the newness of the first semester and not quite knowing what I was doing, it was difficult to balance new classes, new friends, homework assignments, AND working out in between all that. I am very excited to see my fitness goals come true!
4. Start going out and making a name for myself
The best way to work toward goals and getting stuff done is by meeting new people, building a fantastic resume, creating a Linkedin account to network with others, and gaining experience in any way whether it be internships or volunteering. You cannot be afraid of being young and starting your own business because it is so much smarter to start now and be out of your comfort zone than start later and run out of time!
5. Never shy away from new experiences
Every aspect of my life applies to this simple statement. My photography business, my college classes, adventures with friends, a new job, and so many other things that I do not know about will be things I cannot say no to!