New year means a new you, right? What exactly does this mean? For some it means committing to a new exercise program, while for others it is taking on a diet change. Everyone is unique in their own goals for the year, but how many actually end up following through with them? My guess is not many, and from experience in college... most last until Spring Break. However, there are a select few that do not get an option for a lifestyle change in the new year. Every day, many different individuals get diagnosed with some type of disease or allergy that requires a newfound lifestyle change in order to function daily. Let me be the first to tell you, hearing it isn't easy, and changing the way you have done things your whole life is incredibly difficult and downright frustrating. However, you just have to take it in stride. I have created stages in which I have encountered in my personal journey and how to persevere through the tough times.
1. Understand that you are not going to feel normal for a few days to a couple of weeks.
You are either taking away something that you have been doing since you were young, or you are beginning to add in something that is probably going to rock your world. This can be very frustrating at first, but I promise you.. IT GET'S BETTER! You just have to give it time. I know that sounds cliche to say, but it really is true. Just keep reminding yourself that you can do this maybe because you have to, but keep it positive! Positive attitudes make the change so much easier, and then when you're around your friends and family they don't hate you as much.
2. It will not be easy. You will be tempted to stray away from the newfound diet plan, or not get up early to hit the gym.
Don't give in to temptation. It takes two weeks to begin a habit, it takes a few days to fall off the wagon. Don't let this be you... KEEP GOING! You will most likely regret giving in, and then you will find yourself questioning why you did what you did.
3. Find yourself a support system
Lifestyle changes can be hard, trust me, I know. However, finding a group of friends and family to support your goals is so much easier. If you have adopted a diet change... don't ask that friend that goes to Taco Bell every day to be your main support system. If you ask a friend that hates working out, don't ask them to hold you accountable.
4. Begin with baby steps
Cutting cold turkey or diving right into something almost always sets you up for failure. If you taper or ween yourself off of whatever it is you're trying to quit, you will be more successful. Keep a log of what you're eating or drinking daily so you can see when you have cravings and try to substitute something healthier like energy bite. Pinterest will be your best friend, get creative with your foods so you aren't missing out on flavors.
5. Believe in yourself
Your thoughts and mind are strong, so if you train your body to think that you don't want something, i.e. gluten, eventually you stop craving it. YOU have to want it, you have to stay the path, and you have to overcome temptations. Temptation is always going to be there, you just have to be strong enough to say no!
You are not alone on your journey, there are many different people trying to reach the same goal as you. Reach out to others and have conversations about your goals, where you struggle, and get support! YOU CAN DO THIS! Reach and pass those goals for 2017 because you are strong enough!