Everyone's talking about their resolutions. You've heard the endless "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to go to the gym every day". But what if you don't have any goals for the year? Well, don't fret. Here's a list of six goals that you can carry through the year and through your whole life.
1. Take more naps
Naps are probably the best thing ever. Who doesn't love a beautiful nap?
2. Pet more animals
Literally SO MANY animals out there need love and affection. Just remember to be careful! Not all animals like people.
3. Go on more nature walks
There is quite literally nothing better than walking through a forest or a field or anything outside. Fresh air, plants, animals, it's all so cleansing, physically and mentally.
4. Listen to new music
Music will actually nourish your soul and promote your wellbeing. But listening to the same stuff time and time again gets boring and frustrating. Open your heart and your ears to new sounds. You never know what you'll find
5. Try new things
You don't only live once. If you do it right, you'll have lived a new life each day. New experiences brighten up life and give your spirit zest and pizzazz, for example, that was my first time using both zest and pizzazz in real life. Does it truly count as a life if you didn't spend as much time as possible going on new adventures and learning new things? Would you want to be on your deathbed thinking "wow I wish I had done more"?
6. Be kind
Quite possibly the most important goal. Be kind. Kind to yourself, kind to others, kind to the environment. Be kind. A lack of kindness poisons the mind and soul and radiates off you like a dark cloud. Instead, radiate positivity. We're all connected to each other and this planet. Why not be kind to one another?
There you have it. Six delightful and wholesome life goals for 2017. Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride.