With my first year of college complete, I look forward to the blank canvas of my summer days. Here are 19 things I'd like accomplish these upcoming months.
1. Work out more
At first, during my first year at St. John's I worked out a lot. However, as time went on, and the walk from my dorm room to the gym seemed to grow, I stopped working out as much. This summer, I'd like to get healthier and find the peaceful state of mind of running
2. Eat healthier, more consistently
This goal goes hand-in-hand with the first one. I'd just like to be overall more healthy this summer. I would like to be one of those healthy vegetarians and not the ones that just eat grilled cheeses all the time...which I am currently. #notsorry
3. Watch less television
Even though this would be counterproductive to my major (I'm a Television and Film Production student), I feel as though I watch too much tv, like even for a TVF student. This summer, different from my other summers, I'd like to spend less in front of a screen. Well, the small screen at least.
4. Watch more critically-acclaimed movies
I have a list on my iPhone in my notes that is several pages long of good movies I'd wanted to see forever. It ranges from The Apartment with Shirley MacLaine to all three The Godfathers. As a film student, I haven't seen a lot of the classics--that is going to change.
5. Go to a drive-in movie theater
This has been a goal of mine for so long! Drive-in movie theaters seem so cool and a summer bucket-list item for sure. However, in Wisconsin where I am from, there are only about 2 still running drive-in movie theaters and both are at least an hour away. Sounds like a movie road trip to me.
6. Go up north more
Growing up, my summers were spent mainly in Northern Wisconsin. However as I got older and began to work I started going to my cabin less and less and eventually for the past 2 years have only gone up once a year. This summer I would like that to be different and to spend more time with my family Up North.
7. Learn how to "squirrel dive"
Though this sounds crazy, this is a dive that I have always wanted to master but was to scared to try because you have to jump from a high place to do it. However, this may just be the summer to master it.
8. Go to a movie by myself
I spend money. Like way too easily. Learning how to be frugal this summer would save me (and my mom because I have to beg for money) a lot of stress next semester. However, this summer I do have some things I'd like to buy...
10. Buy a camera, like a good one
As an aspiring filmmaker, I think it would only be fitting if I finally owned a camera. I am sick of only having my iPhone as a camera or having to rent one out for school. It's time to start my collection of equipment.
11. Write stories again
I used to love writing stories when I was younger. As someone who wants to make a career out of depicting stories through the medium of film I'd like to try and get in touch with that again this summer.
12. Write small script
13. Take good footage of Milwaukee
Last summer, I took a lot of short videos of my summer life on my iPhone. This summer I'd like to do that again. However, I'd focus more on my location and how great (and under appreciated) Milwaukee is.
14. Go to more festivals
Milwaukee is known for their festivals. They have a large array of festivals ranging from musical festivals to Irish Fest to State Fair that all happen within 3 months. Usually, I only go to the musical festival which is called Summerfest. However, this summer I'd like to go to the other ones as well, especially German Fest since that is my main heritage.
15. Explore Milwaukee more
I have lived in the suburbs outside Milwaukee my whole life and only in my summer prior of attending college did I finally realize what a great city I was missing out on. This summer, I'd like to go downtown more.
16. Go on a mini roadtrip alone
I love car rides. Ever since I was little and we took the 5 hour car ride Up North every summer, I would be a little sad to get out of the car at the end because I enjoyed the journey so much. I would like to do a little mini one by myself this summer. It would just be me, a killer playlist, and the Wisconsin road.
17. Sing more
18. Create more dreams
I feel like I made some dreams for myself at 13 and I have been chasing the same ones ever since. I am not saying that I am giving up on those current dreams just that I'd like to add more to the constellation. Every year you grow and your dreams and aspirations should grow too.