I just wanted to wish each and everyone of you a very happy and blessed new year. I hope all of you guys had very happy and blessed holidays.I'm not the type of person who makes resolutions because, let us be honest I ain't keeping up with them three weeks into the year. I do however will make goals that I tend to work towards slowly but surely, some of you may say, hey that is a resolution, but I don't see it that way. My overall goal is to be better than I was last year, slowly but surely work on myself, mind body and soul, so I can be the example my son looks up to!
Few of my goals as I like to call them are listed below.
1. Read 12 self improvement books this year.
2. Be more social, I feel like I've become anti social over the past few years, so I need to work on that, by volunteering and going out with friends and family and by traveling.
3. Work on my overall health, not just to loose weight but work on my over all health, eating helthy, cutting out junk food, working out more.
4. Take more risks, by risks i mean in a good way as in going out of my comfort zone to improve myself.
These are just few of my goals, but I know from past experiances putting too uch on my plate I wouldn't be able to accomplish anything, so taking it one day at a time, and working on it slowly. I will keep you guys posted every few months to give updates how i'm achieving my goals. Comment below and let me know what are some of your goals and how are you planning to accomplish those goals. looking forward to hearing from you and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!