I can easily sit and write about how my goal for this year is to go to the gym more often, eat better, go to church more or maybe even save money. Let's be honest though, those kind of New Year's goals usually only last until February. If you are someone who has had those goals and has actually stuck with them, then all props to you. If you are not that person, however, then avoid making those kind of goals. Make a goal that you are actually going to stick with this time. Make the kind of goal that you actually want to accomplish.
If you cannot think of some goals that you can see yourself accomplishing, maybe you can set a more general goal that can be applied to anything.
This year, my one general goal is to be genuinely happy. I think of myself as a pretty optimistic person already; however, there is always room to make things better.
Happiness can have a different meaning for everyone. One thing is certain though: happiness can be found everywhere. Happiness can be found at work, within your family, in a relationship and even around your friends. With all that occurs on a daily basis, we can find happiness in everything around us. Happiness really can go along way. I have a few goals for this year -- they all amount to being happy in some way, which is why I just want happiness this year. That is my one and only goal.
If I am fully happy, and all those around me are happy too, then all will fall in place and the happiness I want to have will come.
Maybe happiness is not something you may want this year; maybe you wish to be more adventurous or to find love.
Whatever it may be, be honest with yourself. Do not make a goal that you know you are not going to get done. Think of all that is occurring in you life and make one goal that can bring positively to it all, one goal that will make everything come together. Make a goal you will be proud to look back on, a goal you can say you managed to achieve.
I feel as though the term "New Year's resolution" is temporary. I think "goal" has more of a long-term meaning. One can be working towards achieving a goal all year long, or at least that is how I think of it. Set your goal high and do not stop until you get there. Focus your energy on achieving that goal -- nothing more, nothing less. The adage goes, "Goals are dreams with deadlines," and your "deadline" is at the end of the year.