Have you ever been in a shell that you felt trapped? Most people have been in that situation. College is the chance for people to break free from the household rules they had while being in high school. College provides all different types of organizations, sports, and many more things for students to try.
The thing that holds us back from trying something new and being fearless is ourselves and our own fear. Fear is a biggie. Most people fear the disapproval of others or disappointing someone very important to them. I myself have had this fear before. Sometimes it is okay to do what you want to do. Yes, sometimes making risk can result in uncertain situations, but if you are smart about the things you do, you'll be fine.
Ways to step out of your comfort zone are:
1. Believe in yourself & have confidence
When you believe in yourself and have confidence anything can be possible. People tend to struggle with confidence in college. That is very understandable. Society has taken a toll on the way we view ourselves. Which that should not matter. Practice confidence and be cocky. Love yourself and shoot your shot. Step out of that comfort zone.
2. Choose your friends wisely
You will have those friends who do not judge, but you will have those friends who believe taking risk is not okay. My advice is to do what you want. Yes, have those friends who guide you in the right way, but in a positive way. Do not have friends who believe you should not have fun and be young. Have friends who fit you. Everyone needs a friend who is honest with them but is also always there no matter what.
3. Live your life
Live your life to the fullest. No one wants to look back on their younger days and be like "I was so boring back then". So go out and have fun. Go on adventures. Go try new things. Life is full of surprises. You'll be surprised at what could happen. Enjoy the beauty of life.
Step out of your comfort zone. Go live your life. Have fun.