A Complete List Of 42 Things I'd Give Up To Have Been At Coachella | The Odyssey Online
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A Complete List Of 42 Things I'd Give Up To Have Been At Coachella

Yes, I am being a little dramatic. No, I am not kidding about this.

A Complete List Of 42 Things I'd Give Up To Have Been At Coachella

So Coachella weekend two, the final weekend of it, has come and gone. To say I wish I had gone this year is an understatement. I have been jealously scrolling through Instagram seeing pictures of models, bloggers, and friends that have all attended over the past two weeks. Seeing their stylish festival outfits, perfectly posed pictures and all the videos of artists performing definitely has me green in the face.

There are a number of reasons I didn't go this year, that number being about 500 in dollars I don't have to pay my way to the Coachella Valley. But hey, if I start saving up now for next year I just might be able to go!

So as I sit here and plan out outfits a year in advance here is everything I would give to have gone to Coachella.

1. My first born child.

2. My second born child.

3. $500 if I had that much.

4. Given up the A's in my classes.

5. Half my wardrobe.

6. My favorite eyeshadow palette.

7. All my shoes.

8. Give up pizza for a whole year.

9. Give up mimosas for a year.

10. My phone.

11. My laptop.

12. Give up my Netflix account.

13. Give up my Spotify account.

14. Give up ever eating Wendy's 4 for $4 again.

15. My comfy bed.

16. My car.

17. My super fuzzy super soft blanket

18. Chocolate.

19. Give up free beer Friday's

20. Give up the nice weather

(Except for the one weekend I'm at Coachella.)

21. Give up Instagram.

22. Give up going to any other concert for years.

23. Give up Twitter.

24. My iPad.

25. Give up traveling anywhere else for a year.

26. Give up all sweets.

27. Give up showering for a week.

28. All my pizza rolls.

29. All my ice cream.

30. Give up socializing for a while.

31. Give up sleeping in.

32. Give up sleeping in general.

33. Give up weekends.

34. I'd work every holiday of the year.

35. I'd take an exam every week all semester long.

36. Give up my planner.

37. Give up note sheets for exams.

38. Fail my finals.

39. Give up cosmic brownies.

40. Give up tequila.

41. Give up my winter coat on a super cold day.

42. Basically everything.

Yes, yes some of these reasons are a little too dramatic but, it makes the point of just how much I wish I had been at Coachella this year.

Maybe I'll see you next year Coachella.

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