I've always been a big fan of Natural Light. I've tried pretty much every light beer out there and yet I keep going back to them #frattynattys. For me it's more than just the beer it's the lifestyle and who I'm with. Here's 7 reasons it should be your beer of choice too
1. It’s Cheap
The primary drinkers I’m referring to for this article are high school kids (yes high schoolers drink) and college students. At those ages you try to live as cheap as possible and therefore you’ll probably buy the cheapest beer available which pretty much will be Natty Light at $8 a 15 pack and $13 a 24 pack. Most other beers are almost double that.
2. It’s Smooth
Lets be honest beer isn't always the best tasting drink there is, especially once it starts warming up. For me when freezing cold Natty Light tastes like water and goes down just as smooth. There's two perks to that. One is it means it's easier to drink more and more at a time and only gets smoother the more you drink. The second is the shotgunnability and yes I just made that word up but still the last thing you want when shotgunning is a bad starting beer that makes you blow hole the beer all over your buddies or worse the hot girl you were trying to get with later in the night.
3. The NostalgiaÂ
Natty Light has been around since 1977 making it older than most Light beers. So when looking at @vintagefrat or @oldrowofficials pics on insta there’s only one other light beer that goes back that far. That means Natty Light was the drink of choice of some of our parents and those guys you looked up to in high school when you were a kid. It’s been a staple in frats since it was created and along with being cheap has earned it the name #frattynatty
4. It’s Kinda Healthy
Yeah you read that right. Natty light has 95 calories with 3.2 grams of carbs per 12 Fl Oz. For beer that’s pretty damn good. Only one other light beer is healthier than that which is Mich Ultra with 0.6 grams less of carbs. Other beers such as Bud Light has 110 calories and 6.6 grams of carbs. So when downing Natty Lights remember even though you went cheaper your still being healthier and your beer gut won’t be quite as big.
5. There’s Options
Within the past couple of years there's new options for Natty Light drinkers. For the normal smooth light beer you have the original Natty Light. For someone looking for a more flavorful refreshing beer there are Naturdays that are strawberry lemonade. If you want to go a little bit more crisp and more alcohol there's Natty Ice. However if you want to go full on Wild there's Natty Daddy's that rival the craziness of a Bud Light Rita or a Four Loko so have some fun after drinking them. And lastly following the trends especially of college students Natty has introduced a sparkling seltzer with Aloha Beaches and Catalina Lime Mixer (An ode to Step Brothers every frat guys favorite movie) as the flavors.
6. The LifestyleÂ
While there's no specific lifestyle for Natty's it's just to have fun and be at every major event there is, and honestly it is at every major event from Football to NASCAR to Sprang Break to the big Frat Parties to Alpha Psi Rodeo for all my Auburn people out there and even PGA events. Anywhere and everywhere Natty Light is found is sure to be a great time.
7. It’s Patriotic
Have you looked at the box, the can, the hats, and hell even the boxers. It’s screaming eagles with red white and blue. Anything that can scream it’s patriotism and be shotgunned while hearing the National Anthem and watching the American Flag wave amongst red, white and blue fireworks is good enough for me because this is #Merica and this is a #Merican beer.
Y'all Shotgun a few for me.