As college students, Thanksgiving break is that amazing period of time where you can go home, enjoy your mother's cooking instead of dining hall grub, be with your family, and catch up on both homework and a little sleep. Midterms have just ended so going home right now is the best decision you could make. And while there are people who feel more stressed out about going home than schoolwork, a majority of responses I received are family orientated and cheerful to return home after two and a half months of nonstop school work.
So why do college kids make the ride home for Thanksgiving? Why don't they? I asked 30 students if they go home for Thanksgiving, and if they did, why? Their answers are completely individual and unique and they are able to show us just how different the holidays can be for each of us. Here's what they said.
1. "Yes, because I love my family and the food and it will be my first time home since the summer." - Corrine, freshman
2. "I go home to have a chance to be away from the stress and cycle of school and enjoy being with my family for a little it. As we grow up, we have to be more and more independent, but it's nice to be reminded that you have a strong support system in your family when you go back for the holidays." - Allie, senior
3. "Yes, it allows me to connect with my family and get away from college stress, plus eat good home cooked meals during the holiday season!" - Simran, freshman
4. "I do not go home for Thanksgiving. My family is transphobic, homophobic, racist, and just unpleasant to be around. I'd rather stay at school with friends in similar situations and make an enjoyable holiday together." - Kathren, senior
5. "Yes. It is a way to escape the immense pressure that Rutgers puts on its students." - Anonymous
6. "Yes! I like to see my family (particularly my aunt and uncle from out of state) and I LOVE Thanksgiving food. Plus, everything on campus is closed for the whole weekend so I wouldn't be able to leave my dorm, and I can get some hours in at work over break to make some extra money." - Gabby, sophomore
7. "Yes. I hate Rutgers University and any chance to get away, especially extended stays home, are welcome." - Mike, super senior
8. "No. My family (dad) is abusive and I don't want to look at his face." - Akeda, sophomore
9. "We have to go home for Thanksgiving, I think Rutgers is closed. I would love to stay at college but that's not an option right now." - Katherine, freshman
10. "I go home for Thanksgiving because I love seeing my family together and spending time with them. I see my mom and my siblings quite often, but at Thanksgiving, I also get to see my aunts, uncles, and cousins, and it's really great to catch up with them and spend time together." - Jasmine, freshman
11. "Yes. Best meal of the year. It's acceptable and expected to overeat and feed our emotions. A nice time to reflect on all the positives in life." - Mikayla, junior
12. "No, due to part-time work obligations." - Kristin, freshman
13. "Yes I will be home for Thanksgiving. It's an opportunity to spend time with family (including some that I only see about once a year)." - Jake, freshman
14. "I do not go home for Thanksgiving because it's expensive to fly and since I work through the school, my workplace does not give me the time off to do so" - Anonymous
15. "Yes because it is a holiday meant to be with family and it's important to me." - Victoria, sophomore
16. "Yes, because I live close (so why not?) and it's an excuse to eat my mom's cooking and see my friends and family." - Nicole, freshman
17. "I home every year for Thanksgiving because I think that spending time with my family is really valuable. In the past few years, I've lost multiple family members and it really changed my perspective on spending time with family because you never know what's going to happen." - Anonymous
18. "Yes because I commute. But even if I didn't commute, I would go home because my house is really close to the school and this is a good time to get close with family and spend quality time together." - Anonymous
19. "I do go home. I go home because my family is so important to me." - Angie, freshman
20. "No, because my home is not in the US." - Lauren, freshman
21. "I do because I need to destress from my coursework and because I like to get stuff done at home during that time and see family!" - Kelsey, senior
22. "I didn't last year since I'm out of state, my dorm stayed open, and I knew I'd be home a month later. But I will this year because my current dorm closes over the break and I haven't seen my family since the summer and I need to discuss some things with my parents." - Isabelle, sophomore
23. "Yes, it's one of the few times I get to see my family. I also can't mentally make it to the end of the semester without a break." - Kayla, junior
24. "No, I don't go home. Toxic family members." - Anonymous
25. "I love the holidays with my family and wouldn't want to miss it. Plus I am close to home." - Anonymous
26. "I go home because the BEST hall closes over break, I miss my dog, I miss my parents, and I want to share my college stories with the family." - Simon, freshman
27. "Yes, because Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season and it's super important to spend that time with family and friends." - Victoria, freshman
28. "No, home is too far away (13 hours if you don't stop at all) and break is too short (only 3 days)." - Lakin, freshman
29. "Yes because I do not want to stay at school for days and because I enjoy holiday time with my family." - Nicole, sophomore
30. "Of course I go home. It's Thanksgiving, it's what you do." - Chris, sophomore
Happy holidays!