College is hard, confusing and a whole new world. I have always been the type of person to get really involved, so when I came to school it was a no-brainer that I was going to rush a sorority! It is not like this for everyone I was just lucky that I had prior experience on getting myself out there, and joining groups of people. For some the process is scary - three long days of chatting, talking about yourself and your goals in life. If you are scared or nervous of this process do it anyways! It will be a great experience. I can promise you is that after the three long days it is so worth it.
Going through the process is for sure long, but it will go by so fast. You will not be the only one with questions, or the only one that is super nervous. Day one will be full of chatter on who is scared, and what should you expect. Day two is a little more calm-- you know what your doing but the hardest part is prefing your sororities you want at the end of the night. In high hopes that your top picks want you top brings the nerves of day three, after you know where you are going for the day it is smooth sailing--most walk in the room with confidence ready to see what is in store for you at your favorite sorority! Hands down the longest process is bid day - nervewracking and exciting is the only words to describe this day. Waiting to get called to get your bid is enough to drive you insane. Once you get that bid no mater if it is your first or second choice--you got that bid for a reason. My advice is to trust the process and enjoy the moment. Your new sisters are so happy to welcome you home the love is radiating off them!
Rushing has instantly given me so much. Gaining new friends (sistas), a support group, love, ways to get involved and most of all unbreakable bonds-- these are just a few. I promise you nothing will beat finding your home.