You see it everywhere: the news, social media, your local newspaper-- the bright, blue, heartless eyes of America’s newest, “love to hate” rapist. The list goes on of the countless disgusting issues involving this sickening case. From the horror of the actual night of the incident, to the unfair sentencing or even Dan Turner’s mind boggling statement for his son. The country’s hatred towards Brock Turner grows with each new article release.
But just when I thought there wasn’t a thing that could make this nightmare worse, a new page popped up on my Facebook timeline: the “Turner Family Support Fund.”
*pause for speechlessness*
Is this a joke?! If I’m dreaming, someone please wake me up. What are we teaching the youth of our generation by starting a GoFundMe to help support a rapist and his family? What message does this give to society? As I sit next to my little sister on the couch, I cringe at the fact that she is growing up in a world where rape is justified and victims are put on a pedestal, making sure their every need is satisfied.
The page stresses how the Turner family is “dealing with a monumental life-changing and tragic situation with Brock.” The only tragedy in this story is that of the victim, whose innocence is forever shattered. Those who donated to the fund, I pray for. Ask yourself this, what if it was your daughter or sister or niece left behind a dumpster in the middle of the night?
No matter what or who you are, rape is rape and should be treated as such.