"The Earth Has Music For Those Who Listen"
There are so many breathtaking places in the world. There are mountains to be hiked, seas to be sailed, views to be seen and rivers to swim in. We have an immense array of exquisite destinations at our fingertips, ready to be explored. However, we don't always appreciate that. Our high-speed, scheduled lifestyles often don't allow for us to have time to travel the world and see its many marvels. I urge you, however, to go against the monotonously predictable lifestyle that you most likely currently have. Take a trip--bring a friend, bring your family, or even go alone. Make a bucket list of the places you've always wanted to see and then go there. Once you get there, put your phone away and just take in the rejuvenating atmosphere that surrounds you. Listen to all of the sounds and voices of nature. Learn to really appreciate the planet that you are lucky enough to call your home, because we often forget how much of a blessing it is to be able to live in such an amazing place. Hop on a boat and take a voyage outside of your little bubble. Who knows, you may come across something incredible.