"Go educate yourself!"
This is one phrase I wish to shout at people all the time, especially those who choose to disregard climate change or animal treatment. People irritate and frustrate me when they are oblivious to everything that is currently going on in the world regarding the environment and animals. It isn't difficult to research information on the Internet or pick up a magazine and read about what's going on in the world right now. A decent amount of the population is educated and does realize what a difference recycling, composting, and other ways of keeping the environment green makes and they do something about it. Other people are aware but choose to not do anything about it, which also irritates me. The fact that people know about the harm they're causing to the environment, but choose to nothing about it is incredibly infuriating.
The other day my mom and I were shopping at Giant, and we were looking at facial products, such as makeup, cleanser, moisturizer, etc. The more I looked at the products available, the more I realized how many companies test on animals, which is completely absurd. Animals and humans don't seem to be similar in skin, so what's the point of testing on them? I understand that they want to test on something before selling the product, but why not test on people where the product will actually be used? It seems like a waste of time and money when companies decide to test on animals. Not only does this happen with makeup but also with cleaning products. Both Windex and Clorox test on animals and I don't know about you, but if I were in a lab being sprayed by harsh, irritant chemicals, I'd want to either die or escape and take everyone with me.
This also relates to factory farming. Cows, pigs, and chickens are often killed while still alive. Baby chicks are thrown into a meat grinder with their wings still flapping, desperate chirps piercing the air. Pigs are smarter than dogs, as smart as three-year-old children (probably smarter than that age judging by the kids in today's society). Despite all this information that's free to research, factories and other companies purposefully blind their buyers by blatantly lying to them about what goes into the products and how the animals are treated. People don't want to believe all the negative words they hear about their products. They deafen themselves to the what really happens, choosing not to believe the truth.
Because of everything I've learned, I've chosen to not eat meat. This month will be a year of not eating meat, and it's one of the most rewarding things I've ever experienced. Knowing that all those hormones aren't going into my body and knowing I'm saving animals by not eating them, is great. Other people are slowly starting to realize this as well, choosing to eat less meat (Meatless Mondays), not eating red meat, cutting out meat altogether (vegetarians), or not eating meat or any animal by-products (vegans). It's reassuring to know that this can make a difference not only in animals' lives but to the environment as well as more and more people come to this realization. Fewer greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere, less water is wasted and available to people, and fewer animals are ruthlessly slaughtered for the pleasure of people's sick appetites.
So, if you think you know everything about the food industry and believe what companies tell you about how they "humanely" treat their animals, you're only fooling yourself. Go get educated. Animals and the environment need you to be smart.
If you're interested in learning more about environmental and animal causes, check out the films Cowspiracy and Food Inc., two fabulous documentaries that delve into the truths about factory farming.