All my life I grew up with people telling me my standards were a bit too high. I never expected much out of a potential partner, but what I did expect, in my eyes, wasn't me being picky, it was what I deserved. All I really wanted out of someone was kindness, a person who can offer a sense of security, a person I can trust with my back turned, a sense of humor, and a warming smile that could make me feel safe. The rest would all be an added bonus. However, finding this proved to not be an easy task. I spent my adolescence never truly dating someone. Yes, I've 'talked' to people and gotten close to dating them, but there was something off about them which led me to usually, call everything off. At some cases, I simply stopped responding. That's when all the negativity would come in from people.
"You ask for too much, you'll never find someone who will fit your standards"
"Sometimes you have to play the cards that are dealt to you"
"You won't always end up with the most attractive guy, ya'know..."
"This is why you're still single. You're always going to be single"
But here's the kicker: my standards are not too high. A person has the right to not want to date someone due to certain qualities. A person also has the right to expect certain things out of someone who they choose to date. A relationship is to be taken seriously, and you have full range to be as picky as you want with who you select to start that journey with. The moment you settle for anything less than what you want, you're devaluing yourself.
Never feel bad for your expectations in a relationship. Relationships are the full thing we have full control over in our lives. It's not about settling with the cards you're dealt, it's all about fishing for something that actually makes you happy.