With last weeks "It's GLOW! The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling!,"I introduced the Netflix hit, and briefly addressed some possible directions the show can take moving forward. Since the surface of "GLOW" has been scratched, I'd like to dive in a bit deeper.
One of the unsung heroine's of "GLOW," Cherry Bang, spent the first season helping train the girls in their moves. Being a former stunt woman, she sought to teach the rag-tag collective how to make their wrestling appear both real and entertaining. No small feat, given that she was learning the moves as she was teaching everyone!
The Wrestlers of "GLOW"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZqDO6cTYVY
We meet her husband, Keith Bang, learn of her miscarriage and her history as a stunt woman for Sam (Marc Maron) for years. Those little moments of backstory help break down the layers of her harder exterior. While she is a total badass, and her harder emotions bring about the best in the other wrestlers, you learn she too is an underdog.
The first season comes to a close, revealing that she has landed an acting part on an upcoming program on KD-TV (the network producing "GLOW"). Unlike today, where John Cena, Ronda Rousey, and The Rock can fight one night, and appear in a movie the next, this was not the norm back in the other days. And as Glen, one of the KD-TV heads points out, Cherry appearing in both "GLOW" and her new acting role would be too confusing for audiences; thus she can only do one.
That left viewers in the balance with the finale in season one. Not only were we left wondering if the show would get another season, but we were left to wonder what decision Cherry would make.
As the trailer for season two above shows, Cherry chose to go with her new acting gig. As mentioned in my previous article, season one focused more evenly on the supporting characters. In that spirit, Cherry had an interesting story arc that we as viewers found ourselves invested in, all while the other plotlines were evolving.
Season two, however, didn't successfully muster the balancing act as well, and some character's storyline's suffered as a result. Cherry Bang, was one of those characters.
Justine and Cherryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZqDO6cTYVY
Sydelle Noel, just like her co-stars, is perfect for her role. Cherry's absence is made known from the onset of season two, and when we finally visit her, we see that her new gig isn't panning out as "picture perfect" as she may have fantasized it would. We see that she can't act (even though that is clearly not the case for Noel).
This revelation is great because the producers of her new show "Chambers & Gold" are going out of their way to change her appearance, cut back her lines... they're trying everything to hide her less than stellar performance. Why is this great? Because it show's us Cherry's vulnerability, and it allows for the story to dive deeper into her character.
But this greatness doesn't last long. The story arc is brief, and then she returns to "GLOW," with her absence serving more like a blip on a radar, rather than an actual story note.
This is one of the few times where I feel "GLOW" dropped the crown, so to speak (as that is their prize in the show, rather than a belt as in WWE). Cherry, should not have returned to "GLOW" in this season. Her burst of anxiety in her trailer, exclaiming how no one will tell her what she is doing wrong, is executed brilliantly by Noel. She's raw, sensitive, and shows a whole other side to the aforementioned badassery.
When she returns to "GLOW," she falls into the background, and aside from her changing her wrestling persona to Black Magic. Had Cherry's story arc continued over at "Chambers & Gold," it would've broken up the wrestling storyline and focused more on the overall concept of season two; trying to sustain and find success. It would've have run forward with the under-dog concept in another unique way, as the show continuously does. And it would've have given Noel more material, allowing her more room to shine.
Sydelle Noel showing the more emotional side of Cherryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iM7W1Dvl6Q
Having remained at "Chambers & Gold" the trajectory for season three of "GLOW" would have yet another interesting arc to mingle. For argument's sake, assume "POWW" happens next season. Where would Cherry go? Having failed at her acting stint, would she return home with Sam at "GLOW," or would she try to hold on to the reins of stardom and move to "POWW" where she could possibly be a leading wrestling, akin to Liberty Belle?
There are more dynamics possible having Cherry remain off of "GLOW" if not for the entirety of season two, but for a longer duration than actually occurred. It could have also explored the idea that success from one avenue does not equate success at another (Cherry at "GLOW" versus "Chambers & Gold") which could have foreshadowed the move of "GLOW" to Vegas.
Just because "GLOW" garnered a healthy amount of success at KD-TV, doesn't mean they will with the live shows at Vegas, a theme season three may explore. Seeing as how each season seems to examine various elements of success, this direction doesn't seem out of the question. Cherry's story arc remaining as I suggest, however, would have this theme broader and more impacting.
Needless to say, despite my critique, I have no doubt that "GLOW" will continue to shine in its junior year, Noel, just like her co-stars, is immensely talented.
Junk Chain and Welfare Queenhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZqDO6cTYVY