It's pronounced Gloss-ee-ay and it's about to change the way you look at beauty.
1. This Brand Is Like No Other
Maybe it's because this is a beauty brand "Inspired by Real Life". Or maybe it's because the creator, Emily Weiss, created more of a movement rather than just a brand. I stumbled upon Glossier's aesthetically pleasing Instagram account one year ago and I fell in love. Upon ordering a few products, an initial 20% off was added to my first order, which is a huge bonus for a broke college student like myself. The most unique part of Glossier, is the packaging. Each order comes with a free makeup bag, a sheet of cute stickers, a poster and a sample of a Glossier product. Talk about a good deal. The packaging is also adorable, I mean, hoard a hundred boxes because they are so good looking kind of adorable.
2. The Products Actually Work
I say actually because let's be honest, most makeup products and skin products don't live up to the hype, but Glossier does. My first order from Glossier consisted of the Priming Moisturizer, Balm-Dotcom and the Perfecting Skin Tint. So my skin is extremely sensitive, acne prone and I'm allergic to just about everything. But I literally slathered my entire face in the priming moisturizer and the perfecting skin tint for a week straight, and I didn't even get the slightest hint of a red blotch on my face. So obviously, I was sold. During the Winter and beginning of the Spring, I was on Accutane to treat severe acne, and the balm-dotcom saved my life, and my lips. If you've been on Accutane before, you know it ruins and dries out your lips! Nothing, not even OTC products would hydrate my lips, the only thing that worked was the balm-dotcom.
3. It's All About Skincare
And yes, it totally is! A lot of people do not treat their skin well, or they just try and cover their "problem skin" with makeup. But Glossier aims its products at treating your skin with love and care. The products are all designed to give you a nice glow, hydrate your face and a smooth your skin texture. That way, when you do apply makeup, you won't need as much and your skin will be able to shine through. It's all about "Skin First. Makeup Second. Smile Always". Milky Jelly Cleanser is the only cleanser that cleans my skin, hydrates my lashes and brows, removes my makeup and leaves my feeling like a totally new gal. I mean, Milky Jelly even balances your PH, what more can you ask for in a face wash? Don't tell, but I even used Milky Jelly Cleanser as a conditioner in my hair when I was on a road trip last month, and I actually got compliments on my hair that day!
4. Makeup Is A Choice
It's a fun, easy to apply, choice. I looked at my makeup bag the day Glossier dropped Phase 2 and realized how many products I had, and how many I didn't even use. Phase 2 is basically the "Basics" of your makeup collection. I ordered it, and now it is all I reach for. You can start with the Skin Tint, Generation G Lipstick, Stretch Concealer, Boy Brow, and eventually move into Haloscope. These 5 products give you a natural, glowy, beautiful look. It's the kind of makeup where you can look at yourself in the mirror and actually recognize yourself, but you can still be 'Feelin' yooooself.' Glossier gives you the choice to play it up, or keep it low key, but you'll always be a glowy shining beacon in the world.
5. Glossier Reminds Me To Practice Self Care
Whether it is slapping on a face mask or relaxing in the tub while reading Into The Gloss. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you. Glossier is all about the "Mask Force," put on a healthy dose of the Mega Greens Galaxy Pack and let the impurities come out. It is so important to spend a little time every week taking care of your body and your skin. If you eat healthy, drink enough water every day and go to the gym, it's important you spend time taking care of your mind too! Relax, drink some tea and read a book. You are totally worth it.
So what are you waiting for? Place your order now. Go follow Glossier on Instagram so you can get excited while waiting for your box of goodies to come!