Whether you're celebrity chef Paula Deen or just a normal college student, you're probably familiar with the world- famous popstar, Justin Bieber. As someone who is constantly in the spotlight, it's difficult for Bieber to ever catch a break. He's been harassed by the paparazzi, caught naked on camera, and mobbed by crazed fans. "I just wish so many people wouldn't recognize me all the time", Bieber shouts out of his Ferrari F430 whilst driving down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California. Recently he was seen pursuing that wish, trading in his regular bleach-blond look for a more sophisticated wig and faux mustache.
Despite being a convincing disguise, this ruse did not fool anyone- especially the paparazzi. Many photos were captured and Bieber's plan of being discreet was foiled once again. This attempt, though taken as a joke by the public, should really be seen as a cry for help. Paparazzi must stop doing their job and leave celebrities alone once and for all. One day, the pressure might be too much for golden boy Justin Bieber, forcing him to move away from Los Angeles and the spotlight that comes with living in the City of Angels. Until then, we can only hope that the paparazzi lets up a little, allowing him to enjoy a peaceful life in the hottest clubs and parties that fame has to offer.