Recently, a new law was passed by the United States Congress and then by President Obama concerning global religious freedom. The act is called the H.R.1150-Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act after Baylor's own Frank Wolf, who has a role in advocating for religious freedom at Baylor University.
Although freely expressing our religious beliefs may not seem to be much of a problem in America, it is all over the world, and honestly, sometimes even people in the United States feel threatened to express their religious beliefs. In other nations, the problem is worse. Persecution is very real elsewhere. Pew Research Center says that 77% of the world's population lives in areas where religious freedom is very restricted. Whether or not we agree with others' faith beliefs, we should be stepping up as world leaders to stop the injustice that takes place in the form of persecution.
Christianity is statistically prevalent in the United States, but if we do not strive to find freedom for others now, it could restrict our faith expression later.