Here we are, another election year in the United States, and 2016’s election seems to more controversial than many in the past. It is apparent that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will be battling against each other for the nomination as president. Even if you’re not interested in politics, I’m sure you’ve heard incredibly negative things about both the candidates and are probably as confused and frustrated when thinking about the future of our country as I am, and with good reason. This election basically feels like you have to choose between the less shitty of the two, and even then, they are both pretty much the shittiest. Although I’m almost 22 years old, I still have no idea which party I affiliate with or relate to the most, but I, and most millennials, definitely don’t relate to either Hillary or Donald. I’m also not promoting a specific party, but millennials are the largest and most diverse generation to currently exist and we have some power in the polls now. That’s why I wanted to bring to light the third party candidate who is gaining more traction than any other third party candidate to date. His name is Gary Johnson and he is the former governor of New Mexico. While in office in New Mexico, the slogan that won him governorship was “People before Politics”. He also worked to reduce the state's deficit 10 percent, followed a strict small government approach, and proposed tax cuts on income and gasoline. In an interview with Reason Magazine, commentator Andrew Sullivan highlighted Johnson’s campaign with “no increases in taxes for six years, slashed the size of government, and left the state fiscally sound.” After his governorship in New Mexico Johnson left the Republican Party to pursue the libertarian ideology and ran for the third party libertarians in 2012, which one him one percent of the popular vote- the highest any third party candidate has received in history. This election, millennials have the power to make a difference in our country, that’s why I did some research on what is most important to us and how Gary Johnson proposes he will act on these issues.
He wants to work on college affordability. In an interview with Politico’s Glenn Thrush, Johnson claimed that the reason tuition is so high is because you are guaranteed a government loan. The government bloats tuition rates so they can give a higher interest rate and make a higher profit off of college students. By making private loans more available or lowering the interest rates (as he proposes to do) he says we should see a lowering tuition rate. Environmental Change is important to him. Gary Johnson’s website quotes him saying, “When it comes to the environment, the federal government’s responsibility is no different than in other aspects of our lives. It is simply to protect us from those who would do us harm and damage our property. There are bad actors who would pollute our water supplies and our air if allowed to do so, and we must have laws and regulations to protect innocent Americans from the harm those bad actors would do. However, common sense must prevail, and the costs of all regulations must be weighed against the benefits.” Johnson says he is willing to put regulatory measures in place in hopes to reduce pollutants. But, he does not believe that the government should penalize big energy companies for their emissions, which goes along with his hands-off ideas when it comes to government affairs.
He wants to work on immigration too. Johnson’s approach to immigration is one of my favorite approaches I’ve heard from a politician in a long time. He was quoted in January of 2001 Johnson was quoted saying “let the immigrants in, they will become tax payers”. He was also quoted saying more recently in January 2016 that bigger walls will just cause taller ladders. Having been governor of a border state Johnson understands the importance of immigration and wants easier access for immigrants to work in the United States. Marriage will actually be equal. Since 2001 Johnson has been a huge supporter of gay marriage. He does not believe that the government has any place telling its citizens whom they can and can’t marry. During the 2012 election, he was quoted by saying, “Government exists to protect civil liberties and constitutional rights – not to pick and choose among those Americans who should have those rights. Denying same-sex couples the right to marry under the law is government-sanctioned discrimination.”
Abortion, Johnson again lives up to his very lasseiz-faire approach when it comes to birth control and abortion. He believes the choice is up to the woman, and she should at least have an abortion as an option. He believes abortion should be legal until the viability of the fetus (which is still a point during the gestational period that is widely debated and very difficult to widely agree upon). BUT, although he believes it should be legal, he doesn’t think that any public funds should be given to abortion clinics and doesn’t believe insurers should pay for birth control. The War on Drugs/Marijuana Legalization is being changed. Johnson has come out publicly multiple times that he has been one of the millions of American citizens that have used marijuana. He says that the states should decide on whether marijuana should be legalized or not (although he will probably federally legalize it) and definitely feels the war on drugs has been one of the most expensive failures the U.S. has ever created. He has also claimed he would finally end the war on drugs and as opposed to incarcerating, he would like to set up clean and safe clinics to try to rid people of their addictions and safely distribute the drugs after. He is also quoted saying multiple times that he believes marijuana is safer than alcohol and that the government should not tell its citizens what they can and cannot do with their bodies.
I’m not saying Gary Johnson is the right choice for the United States, and politicians have been known to blow a lot of smoke to win the nomination. But, Johnson has a track record of keeping his word to the best of his ability. This is just a small summary of his views on some of the topics most important to millennials, and you are free to do your own research and form your own opinions (and I encourage you to do so). This election doesn’t have to be a decision between the lesser of two evils, but maybe a positive change for the United States.