Negativity has become a constant in today's society. It spreads like a disease until it influences each and every one of us.
We are constantly complaining at any slight inconvenience we encounter. Mostly about things we have no control over such as the weather, but we also dwell on things we have complete control over such as our sleep, well being, or money. At this point, these phrases have become sentence fillers and part of our daily routine. Many small talk conversations consist of "it's so hot out" or "I'm so exhausted". Not that these phrases are extremely negative, but they are used so casually in our daily interactions which is becoming concerning. Out of a million things to talk about it amazes me why we focus negativity, but we do.
And as much as I wish I was exempt from this, I'm not.
I hold myself to high standards, yet I still complain about things with such small importance. I can't stop myself from slipping negative phrases in my sentences which is extremely upsetting. We are so lucky yet there is a longing for more and a longing for perfection which is often unachievable. Each little negative act adds up until we are drowning in negativity with no way to escape it.
Why is there always a longing for more? Why can we not be thankful for the opportunity, family and friends, health, ability, and things we already have? We are so incredibly lucky yet we are undermining all that we have when we complain about such minuscule things. Instead of dwelling on what is potentially "wrong" in a situation, focus on what is right and good about the situation. Start viewing the glass as half full and live your life with a positive lens.
Don't suck the poison out of your life. Fill your life with positivity instead.