Kanye West said it best, "you can’t look at a glass half full or empty if it’s overflowing." This applies to everything despite a red solo cup from a frat party, don't fill that up to the brim; I learned this the hard way.
The popular expression "Is the glass half full or half empty" is commonly used by psychologists to assess your perspective on what you have, or by your parents when they yell at you for being too negative. If you allude to the glass as half full you're seen as an optimist because you recognize what you have been given, rather not what you are missing out on. People who say their glass is half empty are commonly defined as pessimists. Pessimist are people who focus on the negatives in life; so mostly high school seniors or anyone in a math class higher than pre calculus - that's when you're allowed to be negative.
Kanye, again, has made us delve into the deep parts of our brains. Even more this time than when he tweeted that not smiling makes him smile - pure inspiration. If what Kanye said is true, the secret to living a more positive lifestyle is to just be extra as f***
The best example I can think of to back up Kanye's claim, is a story of the time I didn't do my homework - typical. Put yourself i this scenario, you have two essays due on a Friday. You only have time to do one because going to Thirsty Thursday is a NECESSITY at the age of eighteen. You hand in one paper and make up some bulls*t excuse to your second class about how you had a "detrimental twelve hour illness" or some super shady "family emergency" that caused a bad case of writers block.
A few days go on and you get both grades back for the assignments, the second essay was penalized for lateness and to put it nicely, the grade SUCKED. However, the first paper you wrote got an A+, 98% or something. You got a few points off for some misplaced commas because lets face it, grammar is pretty hard. So, you're left with a grade good enough to earn a place on your dorm refrigerator, or one that is recycled to have better use one day; do you see the glass as half full or half empty?
Now, scenario number two, you skip out on some creepy Thursday night frat party and write the damn paper. You hand both in on time and get good marks on both. You don't have to decide whether to be positive or negative, because in this scenario there is no way to be negative! The glass has no space to be empty; it's overflowing.
Optimism and determination go hand in hand. If you put in work, the results will show through your attitude and grit. The glass is going to keep getting bigger and bigger, and slacking off is only going to make the water descend. Thank you Kanye for another life lesson; once again Yeezy taught me.