The week before the Rush Week, I was dead set on getting into one house, and I thought I would have turned down any other bid if I did not get into that house. At this house, I felt like I was welcome there because of the people I was talking to in that house. But, I never opened my eyes to the other people that were in this house.
As Rush Week finally came, we visited every house from Monday to Thursday. On Monday, we went to a house that I thought I would never get into, nor make any friends in, so I introduced myself, then kept to myself. Two of the houses, I either had no interest in, or I did not feel as though it was the house for me. I felt like I was not going to get a bid from any other house, so I decided not to attend the next dinner the following night.
That night, I received an e-mail from the president of the first house that I attended, which was the house that I did not believe I would get a bid from. I was shocked to receive this very touching e-mail. I spoke to this person for minute before I left the house. We did not have a long or deep conversation, all he said was “I hope you enjoyed your time here, and we would like for you to consider us.” I would never have thought this would be the house that I would receive a bid from, until I got another e-mail from the president of the house, saying “Jeffrey, I have exciting news for you, can I meet you somewhere to give you something important?” and of course, I responded with “yes.” So I met him outside of my residence hall to see a small piece of paper that had the name of the house across the front. Receiving the bid meant a lot to me, because I felt like I finally made a good impression with somebody on campus, and that somebody actually liked me for who I am. The day after I received the bid, was Run Night.
Run Night is a tradition here at Hanover when all of the guys run from the Horner Center to the fraternity house they decided to pledge. I was happy to meet my future pledge class, because soon, I would become brothers with two of my closest friends on campus, as well as 46 other guys. When I ran home, I met the guys that I could soon to begin to call brothers. I felt like I was at home already, I had guys that I have never met before talking to me like they have known me my whole life. When I say this, I mean there was a lot of sarcasm and sass thrown at me that I was not used to (note that they were playing around, not being serious). Up to this day, I am glad I did not receive a bid from the house I was dead set on before I received a bid from the house that I am affiliated with now.
I know deep down, that I made the right choice when I chose the house. I feel like I can call all of the brothers life long friends. I know that if I was to ever need anything from them, they would be there in a heartbeat.