In my opinion, dorms are literally the worst. I’m the kind of person that likes my space and the dorms were definitely not for me. I know that dorms are the best way to meet people in college, but sometimes people can be no fun to live around, especially that many. Limited space can also be the worst.
1. Community bathrooms.
The bathrooms definitely deserve that number one spot. I’m not sure if having a phobia of public bathrooms is a real thing, but if it is, that’s definitely one for me. But dorm bathrooms are so much worse than just any regular public bathroom. It's so weird to me that the place you clean yourself is the dirtiest part of the college experience.
2. No more twin-sized beds.
I had a full-sized bed at home, how am I supposed to adjust to this small ass bed?? I'm such a restless sleeper and I always feared I'd end up on my floor some night by accident.
3. I can control my own AC and it's the best thing ever.
I cannot sleep unless my room is freezing cold at night. Being able to adjust my own AC without having to check with others first is awesome.
4. I don't have to eat at the cafe every night.
I have my own kitchen!! I can cook my own meals!! And make food that I actually like!!
5. Privacy.
Having your own privacy is always a good perk. Coming home to your own room and your own bed is the best feeling.
6. Peace and quiet.
Your upstairs neighbors aren't constantly bringing in a whole zoo at 2 AM. The halls aren't always filled with screaming people or loud music.
7. You can't have dogs in the dorm.
Enough said ^^.