I'm writing this because this is something I need to hear. Which means someone else needs to hear it, too.
Integrity falls very deep with me. I finish what I start, I do everything to my fullest ability, and I respect and take all and any opportunity that comes my way. Giving up is non-existent in all of these things. Choosing your battles, however, builds integrity by a million. So, PLEASE don't get that confused with quitting.
I, and many other hardworking and motivated individuals, know the difference because we respect ourselves enough to choose between battles or situations that we wish to fight for. Quitting is when you throw all hands up in surrender and ask for the issue to go away. Choosing not to fight for a lost cause means you finish it to the next possible stopping point and finishing as much as you started before you leave.
In hopes that the person that follows behind you has something to work with instead of a big jumbled and unfinished mess. It's called respect for yourself, the person behind you, and for the opportunity itself. It's called accepting that this opportunity isn't meant for you but you remain respectful to it because it's a right fit for someone else.
Some situations or jobs leads to unnecessary stress, little time for personal health, and very little sleep for things that you have tried your absolute best to make better, but it just never does.
So, when I say I just need to wash my hands with something that I have put all my effort into. PLEASE trust that I put all my effort into it and know that I am leaving it in the best possible shape for the person that follows me. I am not quitting by any means, I am simply respecting my time, my mental health, and my future. Which is okay.