Thank you to those who sacrifice endlessly to let the holiday of Thanksgiving even be possible.
Thank you, Thanksgiving, for reminding me to give thanks for it all.
Thank you, planet Earth, for being my home. Thank you for your beauty and life.
Thank you, America, for making it honorable to be a part of your nation.
Thank you, men and women in our military, who fight for this country's freedom.
Thank you to the leaders of our nation for taking on the responsibilities of this country.
I am thankful for the freedom of speech, the opportunity to live in #merica, and the freedom to worship God openly.
Thank you to all of the local preachers, community servers, and global missionaries.
Thank you to all of you who sacrifice your personal time to make me feel welcome at church.
Thank you to those who offer me a smile, no matter where, no matter if I am a stranger to you.
Thank you to local service workers; you keep us safe, going, and able to work.
Thank you, mentors, for lending guiding hands in this thing called life.
Thank you, teachers, for not only teaching academics but immersing students in intellectual pursuits and conversations.
I am grateful for all of the teachers who stayed with me to make sure I understood a problem.
I am grateful for all of the teachers who sat and prayed with me in hard times.
I am grateful for that teacher who gave me a blanket when I was shivering to death in school.
Thank you, Savannah, for offering a beautiful home.
Thank you to every Savannian out there who has to excuse my driving daily.
Don't worry, animals, I didn't forget about you. Thank you for accompanying us humans as not only furry friends but companions and family members.
Thank you, friends, for always making me smile. Thank you for all of the memories.
I am thankful for the friendships that will last my entire life and for the laughs that will never fade from my memory.
Thank you, parents, for never ceasing to give.
I am grateful for all of the sacrifices you have made: time, money, passions, your lives.
I am grateful for the fights you have fought by me and even the fights you let me endure for my own growth.
Thank you, mom and dad, for providing.
Thank you to all of the mommas out there; thank you for your endless loving, your words of encouragement, and, most importantly, your back scratches that make us feel admired.
Thank you to the dads for the teddy bear hugs, game day coaching, and protective instincts that make us feel safe.
Thank you to the siblings, for teaching what it is like to love someone not just because you have to but because you want to. Thank you for all of the smiles and laughter.
The most deserving of thanks is God's son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for dying on the cross for all of humanity's sins. Thank you for sacrificing yourself and rising from the dead so that one day, we may all get to live with you for eternity.
Thank you, God, for the running water, food to eat, and lives to live.
Thank you, Thanksgiving, for reminding the American people that life and all of the beautiful things in it are something to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving!