Tonight, a friend of mine posed a question to me.
"This lent, how have you been more open to change, and how can you be even more open as it continues?"
This started a reflection process that has now brought me to 2:30am, because my lenten sacrifice was one that anyone who doesn't know me would assume to be easy. This year I decided to give up gaming; something that has been a pivotal part of my personality for as long as I can remember, and the result was a lent overflowing with long nights of self evaluations that would probably scare even the most seasoned of therapists. However, as the days turned into nights and those nights turned into these past few weeks, things started to change.
Those long nights of evaluation turned into long drives and deep, emotional, and spiritual talks with a close friend. This lead to a burning desire to change myself in some very big ways, and as I set out to change these big things in my life, I realized how many little things built the foundations of my larger issues and that this was going to take a hell of a lot longer than 40 days. So, I made it a goal to relay those foundations by the end of this lent and even that is proving to be a difficult task, but that is how change is supposed to be: painful, terrifying, and yet strangely exhilarating, right?
Fast forward to tonight and it's easy to see why that question set me on the path that it did, because I feel as though change has been the entire focus of my lent this year. Then, I ended up back at the beginning; at my sacrifice and how the whole purpose behind it was to stop running away from myself and face the version of me I don't like seeing every morning, and I realize that I have done that.
Have I fixed everything that I need to?
Absolutely not.
And I know I never will.
But in the span of less than 40 days, I have challenged myself in more ways than I ever could've imagined. I've spent more time with friends, gotten more homework done on time, and made time for things like this. In short, giving up a hobby that I love has helped me more than giving up something like swearing, or chocolate. So, I strongly urge you to try this for yourself. Sacrifice something of value to yourself and see what comes of it. I doubt you'll regret it.