Would you believe me if I told you at this very moment in time, whatever it may be that is causing you concern, has a strong possibility of not being close to relevant in, one, two, three, ten years from now?
Well, in confidence, I can tell you that it is. Simply because far too many times I have been stuck in that feeling where time is stopped, and it is nearly impossible to believe that no matter what is bothering you, that someday, will become difficult to even remember.
The fact of the matter is that we can’t escape passing time. No matter what it is, it becomes more and more difficult to feel and relive the same memories after enough time. However, this goes with the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” The formula to free yourself of your past is not only time, but distance. They will become a memory; if you let them. It is hard to fathom the fact that our own thoughts are capable of ruining us. We are our own worst enemies and the only way to escape it is to understand. Be logical. Look at it from a different perspective. Visualize putting the thoughts outside of your head. Let go of what no longer serves you. People, bad memories, anxieties, let it go. Give yourself the distance and embrace the time.