Give Your Childs Coach A Break | The Odyssey Online
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Give Your Childs Coach A Break

How Do You Treat Your Child's Coach?

Give Your Childs Coach A Break
Eleanor Eaton

Before you decide to complain about or yell at one of your child's coaches, please keep these few thoughts in mind.

Most coaches are only volunteers, specifically for recreation leagues. Coaches volunteer for multiple reasons, but the most common is that they enjoy the sport or they used to play for that team. What ever the reason might be, the point is they are not getting paid. Most coaches volunteer because they are doing this out of the kindness of their heart. Therefore, be kind to them and have patience.

Coaches understand you have lives outside of their sport, but you must also understand they do as well. They recognize the fact that sometimes practicing three times a week is not ideal. However, being apart of a team, is a significant part of playing sport. If everyone showed up only to games or competitions, the kids would not understand how to work together as a team. Please know that the coaches are just trying to do their jobs and teach your kids the sport you signed them up for. They can not do their part if your kids do not show up to practice.

They are your kids, not the coaches. Signing your kid up for a sport is not the same thing as hiring a nanny. Coaches are not babysitters. When your child is throwing a temper tantrum everyday at practice, the coaches are not required to keep them on the team. Coaches have every right to call you and have you come discipline your own kid. Their job is not to change diapers, potty train or teach them basic manners. A coaches job is to teach them how to be apart of something and follow rules.

Coaches spend a lot of time and money on your kids. You may think a coach’s job is just to show up, but that is not anywhere close. Coaches are planning, configuring plays or routines, writing emails and schedules or answering any questions a parent might have throughout the day, everyday. Coaches are always doing behind the scenes work whether you notice or not. You may leave your thoughts on the field or in the gym, but they carry those thoughts all day, everyday, just trying to find ways to improve.

Before you criticize and rip apart what your child's coach has not done, take a minute to realize what they have done. Coaches are at all the games that you have to work during. They are there to teach your kids how to share and be apart of a team. Coaches are there to remind your kids that they are doing a great job, even though you think they could have done better. Coaches are there as a mentor and someone your kids will remember for the rest of their lives.

Please keep in mind, coaches are human too, and humans make mistakes. Remember to be kind to them and give them a break, no one is perfect, not even your kid. Coaches cannot do their part if your kids are not present. Coaches are there to help teach them how to be a part of something organized and follow rules. Even after practice is done coaches keep looking for ways to make things go smoother. Coaches are a big part of your child’s life, just like your child is a big part of the coaches. Try to make the imprint of both the coach and your child a good one. Be the parent a coach is glad is at practice or games, not the parent that they dread having to speak to.

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