You know how the saying goes: “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all,” but what if that love was falsely reciprocated, or in simpler terms, the other person never loved you at all (or just not enough). Does that still count?
Letting someone into your life is a lot harder than what people expect. Before having ever encountered love, it was unimaginable on how much it can hurt. What I have come to realize is that only the WRONG people can make love hurt, because love is not supposed to be painful. I say this to help others realize that life is a risk in itself.
Many wise people have told me that the potential of getting hurt, is the risk you choose to take or not to take when deciding to act on your feelings of love. If you choose to not take the risk, you do not know what you could be missing. If you do choose to risk it all, then it can either be something truly amazing or it can be a lesson you need. In a way, despite everything, I still have a little faith in romance and hope for a rising faith in people.
All relationships, romantic or not, are similar. They should be. When I say similar, the best way I can explain it is that friends should not hurt you either. Find people that ADD to your life. Add. That is the keyword. It is okay to be the friend and or the person that is there for everyone all of the time, but never forget to take care of yourself too!
Make sure to surround yourself with people that will treat you as a PRIORITY when you need it. Love is not a one way street, so don’t let it be.
We all fall for the same tricks. Lessons are meant to repeat, until we learn it. So, if you have not taken those steps to realize what you deserve, do it now. Now to answer my question from before, I’d say it is highly important to realize the significance to having loved and lost, even with those and other circumstances. Without the past we have no future!
The only way to move on from anything is simply to understand that everything happens for a reason, whether it be bad or good. Life is unpredictable. That is what makes life what it is!