Everyone in the world right now is too busy yelling at each other and choosing sides. Everyone is too busy using the he said she said arguments. Everyone is too busy about protesting or complaining about the protestors. Everyone is too busy posting their political views on Facebook rather than talking to someone in real life about their political views and actually hearing someone else's viewpoint, but I have one question for you America, why?
In a time where a celebrity can be a president and someone who is under federal investigation is allowed to run for president, why are we focused on opposing each other? Shouldn't we be working to make America a better place ourselves rather than letting the government take full and utter control of us? We the American people can come together to create a better country for ourselves and for one another. In a time like this, we need to give peace a chance.
I have never seen so much hatred being spread than I have in these past couple of weeks. People calling each other p*ssies for rioting, bigots for not being tolerant of other peoples opinions. Instead of destroying things during the riots why not march for peace? To those of you being completely blindsided and not wanting to hear anything but your own side whether it be democrat, republican, or independent why not try and discuss with others in person rather than just ranting on Facebook and blocking those who disagree with you? I'm not telling anyone to change their views or change parties, but why not give peace a chance?
Let's go back to being the America that we all love. Let's go back to the America that wants peace, not violence. Stop the hate, spread the love. Give peace a chance, America.