When in a relationship, it is important to know everything about each other. Any likes, dislikes, pet peeves, familial relationships should all be discussed. What people don't know, is that it is also important to discuss love languages with each other.
I know, you are probably reading this and you're like "what the heck is a love language?" Well, there are actually five of them. The five love languages: Acts of Service, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts, are ways that you can further connect to your significant other. It is said that by discussing your love languages with each other, you will understand how each other loves and deals with love.
Acts of Service
This love language is expressed entirely through anything that you do to ease the burden of responsibilities for your significant other. The most common phrase for this language is "Let me do that for you." The key to this is that you offer to do tasks, your significant other should not have to ask you.
Quality Time
This love language is expressed entirely through spending time with your significant other. You give your SO your full and undivided attention, without any distractions such as technology. Sharing quality conversations and quality activities can make your SO feel more loved and special than anything else.
Words of Affirmation
This love language is expressed entirely through the phrase "actions don't always speak louder than words". Sometimes, your significant other just wants to hear you say "I love you" or "You look beautiful today" and other compliments. Positive word-sharing makes a big impact on how people feel.
Physical Touch
Get your mind out of the gutter! This love language is not only expressed in the bedroom but it is mostly expressed through actions like holding hands, hugs, thoughtful touches on the arms and shoulders, basically, any sort of touch that shows genuine concern and care.
Receiving Gifts
For some people, gifts are visual representations of love. This love language is expressed through the thoughtfulness and effort behind the gift that is being received. For some people, gifts make them feel cared for and prized.
Everyone has these five love languages, it is just a matter of what order your languages are in. For example, my love language order is: Acts of Service, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, and Physical Touch. This means that my primary love language is Acts of Service, where I would rather show someone I love them by doing things for them.
If you would like to know your love language order, click the following link and take the quiz.